Squares of Vienna Analog Photography Workshop 2019
Squares of Vienna Analog Photography Workshop 2019
Spend a long weekend in Vienna delving into analog photography in square format. This unique workshop is totally devoted to photography in 6x6 format with analog cameras. Bring your Hasselblad, Rolleiflex, Yashica Mat, Holga or whatever analog camera – as long as it creates 6x6 negatives. Let´s explore the squares, streets, architecture and people of Vienna together. [Vienna, September 12th to 15th, 2019]
2 discounted tickets available at €550.-
Vienna, also described as Europe's cultural capitol, is a metropolis with unique charm, vibrancy and flair. During this workshop we will explore all kinds of photographic opportunities both in Leopoldstadt with its medieval architecture and city life and the contemporary architecture and business life in Donau City. Everything analog. Everything in square format. Everything in black and white.
Medium format is a quite unusual choice for street photography, but this workshop aims to push the limits of this format. We will also work with night photography, which always puts a certain challenge to analog photographers. I will share all my knowledge about how to create sucessful night photographs on film.
During the workshop I will also teach how I work with medium format camera in street photography and architectural photography.
We will spend three full days and nights of photography we will be inspiring each other as well as learning technical skills in medium format photography.
Read more about the workshop below the image.
Night photography with 6x6 medium format camera. ©Bjørn joachimsen.
The workshop is sponsored by Ilford Photo.
When does the workshop start and end?
Start: September 12th at 8.PM. (Dinner at the hotel restaurant). End: September 15th at 2.PM. 2019
What is the registration deadline?
August 1st , 2019
How do I go to Vienna?
Book a flight to Vienna Airport an take the City Airport Train (CAT).
What hotel should I book?
Book your stay at Hotel Praterstern, Mayergasse 6, 02. Leopoldstadt, 1020 Vienna, Austria
How do we get to the locations during the workshop?
We walk around to see the most of this beautiful city.
What is the workshop fee?
€650. The two first tickets will sell at €550.
What does the fee cover?
Tuition and transportation during the entire workshop.
What is the maximum number of participants?
What is the level of skills required?
What camera(s) to bring?
Bring any camera(s) as long as it uses film and creates negatives in 6x6 format.
Should I bring a tripod?
Yes, definitely!
What film(s) should I use?
Use the films you like. The workshop is sponsored by Ilford Photo and you can expect to have som rolls of Ilford XP2 for free during the workshop
How do I get further information?
Don´t hesitate to contact me via email at any moment: bjorn.joachimsen@gmail.com
Please go to the shopping cart immediately after registering to perform payment.